
Thursday 26 May 2011

How to instantly look fresh

Here are just a few simple ways to look recharged and have that healthy glow.  These tips are great to use after a night of minimal sleep and a few too many drinks.

Keep a spoon or damp tea bags in the fridge
In the morning, close your eyes and gently press the back of the spoon over the eye area to reduce puffiness. This area is very delicate so please do be gentle. Cold tea bags are also great because the caffeine helps tightens capillaries, reducing blood flow to the area. An alternative is to use a high quality eye cream with antioxidants and caffeine included

Gently cleanse, tone and moisturise your skin
I definitely recommend using a great toner to help tighten skin and minimise pores. You'll find that even your primer and foundation will work much better. My favourite is using pure Witch Hazel.

Keep your skin looking hydrated. Using a moisturiser containing ingredients such as coffee or green tea to increase circulation in the skin, is a bonus.

Use primer!
A good primer (and there's so many of them) can make your foundation last longer as well minimise pores, and smooth, balance, re-colour and prep the skin. If needed, go for a tinted one - green for combating redness and purple for normalising sallow complexions. If you haven't got around to ensuring your foundation is free from harmful chemicals that can age the skin quicker, then I guess it could act as a slight barrier - perhaps? Let's hope.

Conceal, conceal, conceal
Opt for a good concealer that is a shade lighter than your foundation. Use your ring or pinky finger to spread it under the eye to disguise any dark circles. Conceal any blemishes and take more time to cover the ones that you normally miss for a flawless look. You'll be surprised at the difference this makes even if they're just small or very minor blemishes.

Use ONLY the perfect foundation
Remember seeing that girl with the face that looked too pasty or too pink, peach or orange because her foundation was the complete wrong shade? Yuk! It's not the foundation that needs to stand out it's YOUR GORGEOUS FACE that should! When testing foundations, the right colour should "disappear" when applied to your jaw line. Ensure you blend it down the neck and décolletage area for a more natural appearance. A quality mineral foundation/powder is great for blending in with your skin tone and giving you that healthier glow!

Blush away
It's amazing what a difference blush makes. Blush can take five years away from your look! Match the blush colour to your most natural flushed tone. If you have no idea what colour this is, just go for a run without any make up on and then have a look at what colour your cheeks turn after a bit of exercise. That will be the colour you match.

Stay away from warm eyeshadows

Warm tones with pinky pigments will reflect on the eyes and make them look more red and tire.

Bright eyes
Use a white eye pencil on the inside rim. This works wonders as you'll instantly look awake! Apply pencil evenly to combat redness and blotchiness. If it comes out too stark white and fake looking, use your finger and blend over to take some of it off leaving behind a more natural colour. If you can source one, grab a pink pencil as it will look more natural.

Sip lots of cold water and wake up!
Keeping well hydrated is vital to a healthy complexion. Water will help clear your eyes and give you more energy. People always look better when they have energy!

If you've been on the liquor the night before or having a lot of coffee, you will need to drink double, triple or quadruple the amount as your body will be dehydrated. When you're body is dehydrated, your skin will try and sap what you put on it. Surely this will affect the performance of your makeup.

Wear white or a bright coloured shirt
Especially if you are looking dull, tired or hung-over. Bright colours will reflect against your complexion and freshen up your look. If your man has a 5 o'clock shadow get him to wear a bright tie and see how it instantly draws the attention away making it less noticeable.

Smile :)
There's nothing more refreshing than a genuine smile. Smiling is very contagious and the more you do it the more you will feel good and alive. People always look more attractive when they smile too!

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